lunedì 28 aprile 2014

baby boy or baby girl?

weather is really creazy… we go from hot days of summer to cold days 
of spring in a few hours… today is a rainy and freeze one… maybe mrs. rain 
here above at number 1. will bring bring rain away definitely! rain, rain, go away! 

what?! are you curious curiosetti? yess… now we know! well… the doctor 
said the little fish is a baby girl! I would be so happy!! anyway… we wanna 
be sure so we have decided to wait until next ecography to start planning, 
and dreaming, and thinking about a name for our little fish!! 

1. rain, girl portrait in light blue  .  2. girl portrait in light blue and orange  .  3. my imaginary 
friend and I  .  4. blue, girl and flowers  .  irene agh

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